Kidsjoy Manufacturing B2B Loyalty Program

For more than 5 years, KidsJoy has been producing plush toys. Being a producer, distributor, and retailer of different stuffed toys. They Built their market with quality Product.

Business Overview

For more than 5 years, KidsJoy has been producing plush toys. Being a producer, distributor, and retailer of different stuffed toys, they intend to expand their business in the toy industry because these toys enable many adults and children to realize their childhood dreams.

It continuously assesses its responsibilities to produce the highest caliber goods. Customers may access all of their resources and perks through the loyalty program, which acts as an integrated one-stop shop. This enables the client to foster relationships and build their business in the market.

Opportunities and Challenges

The customer was searching for a turnkey loyalty solution provider that could serve as a strategic partner, had outstanding capabilities for rewards redemption and fulfillment, and a flexible and adaptable loyalty management platform to match their very specific demands. They had been operating their own campaigns and plans for years, but because they lacked loyalty attribution and reporting, segmented, engaged, and nurtured their customer base improperly, and failed to draw in new business sales, their current plans were too complicated.

*Attract New customers

*Brand Awareness.

*Customer satisfaction.

*Sales growth.


Boneify Offers a Loyalty Program to fulfill their needs, also Boneify loyalty platform was able to evolve the program from transactional to relational with advanced segmentation, custom Rewards, automated product and marketing campaigns.


Customer loyalty program offer rewards to customers who engage with a brand frequently. It’s a strategy for keeping consumers that draws in new ones and persuades current ones to choose your business over that of your rivals. The more a customer purchases or interacts with the brand, the more rewards they receive.

To address the rewards offering issue, Boneify took over all redemption Processes and Provide Custom rewards , Which helps the client to offer rewards for their users as well as it helps for the retention.

Tier Based loyalty Program :
Tier Level functionality within the program allows the client to classify their customer in the level form which helps users to manage and offer rewards for targeted Customers.

Customer Login:
The Program Provide Customer login to the clients , which provides all reports of their end Users, Which can help clients to track the end Users Purchase Behavior as well as additional information on product groupings and trends.


Following the introduction of the Boneify Loyalty Program, the program has gained industry recognition, is seen as being very beneficial, and is still seeing a high participation rate. The client had above-average growth numbers and a year-over-year increase in units of +10%. Revenue from enrolled loyalty program members increased by double digits, but revenue from unenrolled customers stayed the same. More than 80 percent of members participate in the program actively.

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